How to Make a Great Employee Training Plan (For Small Business)


If you’ve been in business a while, I’m sure you’ve heard the saying: “You’re only as good as the people you hire.”

In another tutorial in this series on HR for small business, I covered the process of hiring employees. But hiring good people is not enough on its own. You also have to give those people the support to develop their skills and do their best work. That’s where training comes in.

Here’s the problem, however: Due to limited resources and other priorities, many small businesses don’t provide the same kind of structured training plans that larger companies do.

So in this tutorial, we’ll look at how small businesses can create an employee training plan and provide better training opportunities to employees. We’ll look at some of the benefits of providing good training and then show you how to put together a comprehensive employee training plan for your small business. We’ll consider various different types of training, including those with minimal cost, so that you’ll be equipped to design an effective training plan, even if you’re on a tight budget.



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